The Young, Inspired & Empowered Leaders for Development (YIELD) of the Little Children of the Philippines will collaborate with local Dumaguete artists to hold the first ever Uswag Sining: Gallery & Online Auction to benefit the youth of the Little Children of the Philippines Foundation Inc.
The event will commence with an opening ceremony on Friday, Feb. 23 at the Ariniego Gallery at Silliman University, to be followed by a one-week online auction open to donors worldwide.
Included works feature 24 of Dumaguete’s finest artists, including Hersley Ven Casero, Glory Abueva-Tobias, Razcel Salvarita, Jana Jumalon-Alano, and various students and freelance artists from across Dumaguete. LCP youth community officer Marjo Banagua’s piece, The Boulevard, is included in the auction.
Bidding on pieces will take place solely online at, where a complete listing of works is available. The auction will begin on Friday, Feb. 23 at 7pm, and ends on Saturday, March 3 at 11am. The highest bidder for each piece will get to purchase the auctioned piece.
As a portion of the proceeds for each piece will go directly toward resources for YIELD, it is important to note the organizational mission and how it relates to community development within Dumaguete. LCPFI has worked in Dumaguete for 28 years to care for children at risk so that they may break loose from poverty and become contributing members of society.
To help attain this goal, the organization YIELD trains high school and college students on sponsorship to go to school on how to become leaders in their communities through weekly, monthly and annual trainings. These youth come from 14 of the poorest communities in Dumaguete. With the proceeds from this event, the high school and college youth of YIELD will use the arts to further strengthen their leadership skills and give back to the Dumaguete community.
The opening event at 6pm on Friday, Feb. 23 will be held as a part of the Dumaguete Arts Month. LCPFI Director Carmenia Benosa will give the opening remarks.
The exhibit will be open daily from 9am to 5pm and will run for two weeks until Friday, March 2. Sponsors and contributors to the event include the Dumaguete City Tourism Office, the Youth Advocates through Theater Arts, Unicom, the SU Panhellenic Society, and Silliman Fine Arts Students of Don W. Flores. (Emma Warma)
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