There will be a clean up drive from Silliman Beach in barangay Bantayan up to Looc Beach along Piapi on Saturday, Dec. 2 starting at 5:30 in the morning.
This was announced by Gary Rosales, head of BPI Bayan.
The activity has three phases: 1) beach clean up from 5:30 – 7:30 am; 2) sorting/weighing into kinds of solid waste until noon; and 3) brand audit of the garbage until 3 pm.
The other organizers, War on Waste (WOW) headed by Natasha Kunesch of Foundation University, and Break-Free-from-Plastic Movement led by Merci Ferrer advise volunteers to bring non-plastic gloves, non-plastic sacks (like those for cement or rice), and refillable hydration bottles (as there will be no plastic water cups around).
Registration for volunteers is at the SU Marine Laboratory compound. (Esther Windler)