The trait of the world which has stirred up its peoples is change.
Change is a familiar term but carries with it some novelties. It comes with the passage of time and its novelties occur slowly or drastically.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin said that “in every domain when anything exceeds a certain measurement, it suddenly changes its aspect, condition, or nature.”
Change is usually associated with progress. The popular mind looks for it, and finds with exasperation that it is not there. Immediate ease in living, peace, and well-being are not manifestations of progress, in the real sense. Teilhard declared that “essentially, progress is the consciousness of all that is and all that can be.”
As mankind spread and became more in number in confined areas, it was necessary for men to exchange material goods and ideas. An increase in socialization and collectivization of the individual humanity took place.
Today, the human population has increased tremendously. Science and technology have sought to meet the challenge across the centuries, of man’s existence. The rise in the “psychic temperature” of man manifested through the increase of his range of influence and power to penetrate into relationships with others.
Society today is in a critical situation. Mankind faces the danger of failing into determination and materiality.
Eric C. Rust says that “man may become depersonalized. We may become an anthill rather that a brotherhood.”
Thus, socialization should be meant to truly personalize the individual which happens as he universalises himself. The power of loving among men must gradually develop until it is capable of embracing the whole mankind.
The change in the behaviour of the people of today is indeed apparent.
Speaking of the Philippine society, one sector that has undergone great upheavals is the young. With the system of life that the Philippines believes in, that is the democratic way, one may pause and take a look at the young ones who are supposed to be the perpetuators of the democratic ideals.
Their ways and behaviour will certainly not pass unnoticed to anyone’s eye. They seem not to know where they are going, who or what they are. They act so differently from the young ones of yesteryears.
Perygen R. Mariot
Secondary School Principal
Graciano Banogon Sr. Memorial High School