In Wednesday’s inaugural session, the Dumaguete City Council led by Vice-Mayor Alan Gel Cordova resolved in a caucus the headship of each of the 14 standing committees based on their expertise and respective advocacies.
The entire set of councilors including the SK Federation President and Liga ng mga Barangay President decided to convene in a caucus to agree via consensus who should chair the committees.
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The following legislators have been elected as chairpersons of the 2019-2022 standing committees of the Sanggunian:
Vice-Mayor Alan Cordova, Peace and Order, Drug Abuse, Public Safety Transportation & Traffic. Peace and Order Council
Karissa Maxino, Rules, Ordinances, Legal Matters & Good Governance
Chaco Sagarbarria, Environment, Agriculture & Fisheries
Joe Kenneth Arbas, Economic Enterprise, Trade & Industry, Employment, Public Utilities, Gaming & Franchises. Market Committee
Michael Bandal, Personnel, Tourism, Heritage & the Arts. Personnel Selection Board, Tourism Council
Edgar Lentorio Jr., Health
Tincho Perdices, Livelihood, Social Services & Poverty Alleviation
Bernice Elmaco, Women, Children & Family Life, Special Needs Groups
Lilani Ramon, Finance & Appropriations/Ways and Means. City Development Council
Manuel Patrimonio, Engineering, Public Works, Housing, Urban Development, Land Use, General Services. Local Housing Board
Rosel Margarette Erames, Education. Local School Board
ABC/Dione Amores, Barangay Affairs
SK/Lei Marie Danielle Tolentino, Youth Affairs & Sports
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