We commend the efforts of our police force in the arrest of two suspects and the identification of the alleged triggerman in Thursday’s broad daylight killing of blocktimer Dindo Generoso.
Less than 12 hours had passed when the police announced the capture of a policeman, PO2 Glen Corsame, who is on non-duty status and a civilian, Teddy Reyes Salaw, 44, who is said to be his accomplice. The hunt goes on as of Friday for the alleged triggerman, P02 Roger Rubio.
We realize, of course, that so many things may happen between the time this is being written and the time the newspaper comes out of the printing press.
Did the policemen plan the killing by themselves, or did someone pay them some money to do it?
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Generoso, who was also a businessman who also dabbled in local politics, was known for saying pointed statements on issues that either he or his sponsor stood for.
Generoso had many friends but he also angered many people with his views.
However, we believe no one has the right to kill anyone just because he or she does not agree with the broadcaster’s views or statements.
While we commend our police for the fast action on Generoso’s killing, we could only wish the wheels of justice would have been just as fast in the case of our colleague Edmund Sestoso, whose death remains unsolved more than one year later.
We also hope and pray for the safety of our colleagues, who pound the beat daily in our beloved city in pursuit of their calling.
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