Are there still people who think that vaccines don’t work?
If you happen to be one of them, perhaps the mortality figures of COVID patients will convince you otherwise.
In last Saturday’s press conference, Dr. Liland Estacion, assistant provincial health officer, said that all the 39 mortalities for the past week, who died of COVID 19, were all unvaccinated individuals.
The other week, the Dumaguete City Health Office also came out with an announcement that 74 out of the 79 COVID 19 deaths in the City comprised unvaccinated individuals.
The proof is out there for everyone to examine and refute – vaccines work!
The sad part is that many of those who do not believe in vaccines or in COVID 19, for that matter, are freely going around mocking the protocols established to prevent the spread of the virus. Well, there are also willful violations of the COVID protocols that are being promoted and encouraged by politicians or government agencies, but that could be an entirely new editorial altogether.
Perhaps they might think that the 2.75 mortality rate is too small a chance for them to die of COVID. Well, one thing is sure – if they, by some rare chance, happen to get COVID and die, they will leave behind a grieving family wishing their loved one were not so stubborn to believe the myth that is being propagated by other influencers, even by some people of the cloth.
Families of those unvaccinated individuals who died from COVID 19 could boost vaccination efforts by telling their stories.
Yes, vaccines work. Don’t say we didn’t tell you.
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