Members and officers of the Dumaguete Toastmasters Club pose after the organization was formally chartered by Toastmasters International on May 12 at Silliman University. Among those present were Toastmaster District 75 (Philippines) Gov. Victor Navales, District 75 Lt. Governor for Education & Training Grace Paras, and officers of Toastmasters Bacolod Division D headed by Gov. Melinda Sisles, and Toastmasters Cebu Division C. headed by Gov. Jeffrey Belotindos. SU President Dr. Ben S. Malayang III was the keynote speaker. Inducted during the same event as the first set of officers of the newly-chartered Dumaguete Toastmasters are Einstein Lavina, president; Dr. Cecile Genove (2nd from left), vice president for Education; Elve Nasvik, vice president for Membership; Mark Raygan Garcia (rightmost), vice president for Public Relations; Myleen Sedillo, secretary; Rudolf Brust, treasurer; and Wilfredo Tingas, sergeant-at-arms. The Dumaguete Toastmasters was started in September 2011, and is open to all interested in improving their skills in public speaking and persuasive communication. The club meets twice a month on the 2nd floor of Casablanca.
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