While most local government units elsewhere in the country have established momentum under the leadership of their elected public officials, the Province of Negros Oriental is again “back to square one” with the demise of Gov. Agustin Perdices and the assumption of Gov. Roel Degamo.
Now, the new Governor will have to make choices the way then Governor Perdices did after the elected governor, Dr. Emilio Macias II, died of liver cancer before he could assume his second term.
Key people under Perdices will be going the way some key Macias people left after their boss’ demise.
Now, for the second time in less than a year, new officials will take their place under a Degamo leadership.
As reports go, the new Governor is creating quite a controversy among his erstwhile political handlers by sticking to his choice of key people despite attempts by strong forces to put other people at the corridors of power.
For Degamo, his foray into the top post in the Province was not by some freak accident. Rather, it was because of a divine hand, and not of political maneuvering. He did not seek the post; the post sought him.
Now, he owes his position not to his party, not to people, but to his God.
And for this, he has two and a half years to hold the reins of the Province. This may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him to make his mark in the Province and uplift the lives of Negrenses, as he also battles the many political trials that are expected to come his way.
Degamo would definitely need our support and prayers. Let us help him steer our Province to greater heights.