With his 17 days in office, Atty. Jose “Petit” Baldado has gone on record as the full-fledged governor who served the Province of Negros Oriental. {{more}}
It was the realization of a prophecy made by Jaime Cardinal Sin in 1986, who told Baldado, “You will be the next governor of Negros Oriental.”
Such was his destiny. It was something that was written in the stars, probably long before he was born.
But Baldado’s accomplishment as Governor of Negros Oriental will forever be felt by his constituents, many of whom may never even have met him.
He made it his desire to bring about a healing administration in the face of all the division rocking the Province. Concerns over who would be the next Governor of the Province, which came about from the death of Gov. Emilio Macias II on June 13 had, in no small manner, driven another wedge in many relationships which had started to heal following the emotionally- bruising May 10 elections.
Other parts of the country had already placed the election issues behind them after their winners had been proclaimed. However, peace continued to elude the people of Negros Oriental, because of the political scenarios painted by as many legal minds. Not a few believed that Baldado himself was qualified to fill the shoes left behind by Macias.
Others would have easily succumbed to the temptation and grab the chance. This is an all-too-common scenario that dotted several parts of the country after each political exercise in years past.
But not Petit. He gallantly put aside his political ambitions so that the Province could move forward in unity and peace.
When Agustin Perdices is sworn into office as Governor on Wednesday, this would be possible because of Petit’s unselfish gesture of allowing good sense to prevail over legal maneuvers.
Who knows, maybe Negrenses will continue to be grateful enough to give Petit Baldado a full term as Governor in the future?