Education Secretary Br. Armin A. Luistro FSC was conferred a Doctor of Humanities (Honoris Causa) by the Foundation University of Dumaguete City, citing him as an educator par excellence for his accomplishments at the Department of Education.
The University took cognizance of his strength of character, the power of his achievements and his dynamic and highly effective management of the DepEd, the largest government bureaucracy in the Philippines.
According to Foundation University President Mira D. Sinco, Ph.D. Luistro was chosen for his aggressive promotion of the K to 12 Basic Education Program that will equip the youth with skills and prepare them for the future. Luistro, the citation said, also exhausted all means to reach learners who are out of the formal system by offering various learning alternatives to make them functionally literate.
Luistro continues to address education resource gaps by encouraging the private sector, other government agencies and the general public to pitch in for education.
Luistro was also commended for encouraging the students to thank their teachers, thus giving dignity to the profession and for continually finding ways to improve classroom instruction by the inclusion of local cultures to the curriculum and the use of mother tongue for better learning outcomes.
In his University commencement address, Luistro noted that the batch of 2013 is graduating at a most auspicious period in our country’s history when the economy is growing and that hope is everywhere. “For the first time in years, perhaps even decades, the morning sun is arising, and its golden light is spreading across the land,” he said.
According to Luistro, these are certainly good signs as more options are made available when the graduates join the workforce. “You, dear students, are graduating at a time of hope with each one of you is forming a crucial part of that hope.”
DepEd had to face challenges in introducing radical changes and reforms, in maneuvering a massive bureaucracy, thus, it is inevitable that it would rouse the ire of critics, skeptics and hostile forces. “But through perseverance and hope, we are finally making headway,” he beamed.
“The greatest obstacle to this change is ourselves. Not the guns, not the system, not the opinions of others, not the typhoons or destruction or the lack of resources. Our greatest obstacle is our own skepticism, our unbelief. Against all these, we have to combat with hope.”
“You, dear graduates, have more reason to hope in these bright days of our history. Claim it for yourselves. And claim it for your country.”