Three contractors were touring a municipal hall on the same day. One was from Mindanao, another from Luzon, and the third from the Visayas. At the end of the tour, they met someone from the Commission on Audit who asked what they did for a living. When they each replied that they were contractors, the COA personnel said, “Hey, we need the stairs of the Municipal Hall re-done. Why don’t you guys take a look at it, and give me your bids?”
First the Mindanao contractor took out paper and pencil, did some assessing and said, “I figure the job will run about P500K – P200k for materials, P200k for my crew, and P100k profit for me.”
Next, was the Luzon contractor. He took out his paper and pencil, did some quick calculations, and said, “Looks like I can do this job for P400K – P150k for materials, P150K for my crew, and P100K profit for me.”
Finally, the COA person asked the Visayas contractor for his bid. Without batting an eyelash, the contractor says, “P2.5M.”
The COA personnel, incredulous, looks at him, and says, “You didn’t even make your calculations like the other guys! How did you come up with such a high figure?”
“Easy,” says the contractor from the Visayas, “P1M for me, P1M for you, and we hire the guy from Mindanao.”
Last Sept. 6 was a big day for DCCCO Multipurpose Cooperative and the Colegio de Sta. Catalina de Alejandria — a bricks and mortar milestone for both of them, a result of a collaborative planning effort that has spanned for quite some time which required hard work and coordination.
The ground-breaking of the project the two institutions just did is more than just a series of cement pillars, roofs, and concrete rooms.
DCCCO sees it in a broader context, an important part of the greater effort to connect to our communities through educational investment and as a major step in stimulating next level economic and social development in Dumaguete City and Negros Oriental.
DCCCO has just donated P1 million to start the construction of a three-storey school building enough for six classrooms in one of the areas within the COSCA campus.
More classrooms are needed to be constructed in COSCA due to its growing student population.
Recently also, DCCCO donated P200,000 for COSCA’s extension program. True to the Coop’s pledge, the education sector has long been ranked as among the top recipients of its assistance.
We strongly believe that DCCCO has a moral obligation to support COSCA’s educational needs as it is the birthplace of the cooperative.
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It was in 1968 when a small number of empathetic individuals thought of liberating a group of parents in COSCA from the clutches of loan sharks. From rescuing these parents who want to give their children studying in COSCA a chance for a more dignified living condition utilizing a meager amount of P1,181.50, DCCCO has successfully expanded to become a multi-billionaire world- class cooperative driven by excellence and caring service that aimed to promote Christian values and improve the quality of life of its members and the community they belong to.
Prior to its project, DCCCO had the “adopt a school program” that led to the construction of a school building at Hermenegilda F. Gloria High School, in addition to our feeding program for its Elementary School.
Meanwhile, DCCCO also has the Aflatoun program in COSCA and in 72 other primary and secondary schools where DCCCO operates. The Aflatoun program encourages elementary and High School students from public and private schools to have their own savings deposits who, at present, have become regular depositors of DCCCO after being taught financial management and leadership.
Aflatoun at present has a total membership of 7,145 with total deposits of about P4.0 million.
When this school building project is completed, we will be one giant step closer to fulfilling our economic, social, and moral development potential.
I look forward to seeing our community thrive and prosper in the years ahead. Thank you DCCCO and COSCA for making the big step now.
Someone said: “It is not the beauty of a building you should look at, but the construction of the foundation that will stand the test of time.”
Education, at whatever period in life, will always be the foundation that can withstand the test of time.
That is the kind of foundation that DCCCO wants to build always.
Author’s email: [email protected]
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