MAKATI — Dr. Jenny Lind Elmaco of the Philippines, one of the most dynamic Marie Curie Programme alumni, was recently elected president of the Marie Curie Alumni Association-Southeast Asia chapter until 2021.
The European Union in Brussels also appointed Elmaco as national contact point (NCP)of the Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions. She holds the post in the Philippines together with Dr. Brian Gozun, dean of the School of Business at Dela Salle University.
The network of NCPs is the main structure to provide guidance, practical information, and assistance on all aspects of participation in Horizon 2020 — the biggest EU research and innovation program with nearly 80 billion euros of fundng available over seven years until 2020, on top of the private investments the money will attract. “It promises more breakthroughs, discoveries, and world-firsts by taking great ideas from the lab to the market,” Elmaco said.
Dr. Elmaco was speaker on May 6 during the European Research Day organized by EURAXESS ASEAN Chapter and the Indonesian Young Academy of Sciences at the National Library of Indonesia.
The Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions provide grants for all stages of researchers’ careers (doctoral candidates or highly experienced researchers) and encourage transnational, intersectoral, and interdisciplinary mobility.
At Silliman University, Dr. Elmaco is director for Strategic Partnerships. (With reports from EU in the Philippines)
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