Tuesday, Feb. 21
9:00 am
Opening Program, Ribbon Cutting and Opening of Booths/Exhibits, Sofia Soller Sinco Hall
9:00 am-5:00 pm CAS Political Science Caucus
Amigos, Sofia Soller Sinco Hall; CAS Broadcom Exhibits, Sofia Soller Sinco Hall; CAS Tour,
10:00-12:00nn Sofia
Soller Sinco Hall; CHM Inter-High School
Skills Competition -Table Skirting & Flower Arrangement; CHM Inter-Level
HOSM Skills Competition -Table Skirting & Flower Arrangement, Fruit Carving
10:30 amLG Sinco IT Laboratory
1:00 pm
VEX Robotics Competition — Elimination Round (CCS), Sofia Soller Sinco
1:30-3:00 pm
1:30-5:00 pmJames B. Herring AVR; CE Puppet show, CAS AVR 1&2; CCSFilmfest, LG Sinco IT AVRMaroon and Gray
Wednesday, Feb. 22
8:00 am
VEX Robotics Competition: Elimination Round (Inter-High School), Sofia Soller Sinco Hall; CAS Broadcom Exhibits, Sofia Soller Sinco Hall
8:00am-12:00nnSofia Soller Sinco Hall; CCS Filmfest, Maroon & Gray
8:30 am
Inter-High School Computer Quiz Bowl Eliminations, LG Sinco IT Laboratory; CHM Inter-College Cake Decorating Competition,
CHM Balloon Sculpture
9:00 am-5:00 pmCAS
Studios and Facilities; SC102;
Chemistry — SC105); FU Green
10:30 am
CCS Photoshop Hands-on Lecture and Training for High School Students, CISCO Laboratory
1:00-3:00 pmSofia Soller Sinco Hall; CHM Main Dish & Dessert Cooking Competition,
FU Green
1:30-3:00 pm
2:00 pm
CHM Napkin Sculpture — Interdepartmental Contest; CCS Filmfest, LG Sinco IT AVRMaroon and Gray
3:00 pm
VEX Robotics Competition: Final Round (Inter-High School), Sofia Soller Sinco Hall
3:30-5:00 pmFU Green
Thursday, Feb. 23
8:00 am-12:00 nnSofia Soller Sinco Hall: CAS Broadcom Exhibit, Sofia Soller Sinco Hall; CAS Tour,
8:30-11:30 amLG Sinco IT Laboratory; CCS Filmfest, Maroon and Gray
9:00 am
CHM Seminar on Enhancing Communication Skills, James B. Herring AVR
9:00 am-12:00 nnSofia Soller Sinco Hall; CBA Business Henyo, FU Green
9:00 am-4:00 pmSofia Soller Sinco Hall
1:00 pm
CCS Software Innovation Awards,
1:30-2:30 pmSofia
Soller Sinco Hall
2:00-4:00 pmSofia Soller Sinco Hall
2:00 pm
CHM Interschool Flairtending Competition, FU Green
4:00 pm
CBA Deal or No Deal