Besting other schools and universities in Central Visayas, Foundation University will represent Region 7 in the National Competition for Sustainable Schools, according to the Cebu office of the Department of Environment & Natural Resources Wednesday, July 24.
“Foundation University has a lot of environmental programs that are not just limited to the FU community,” said Marlon Tanilon, dean of the Office of Student Life of the university. “Our initiatives also make a huge impact on the community outside FU, and these programs made the university stand out in the competition.”
The contest was launched the by the DENR through the Environmental Management Bureau, Department of Education, and the Commission on Higher Education, with support from Smart Communications, Nestle Philippines, One Meralco Foundation, Petron Foundation, and Unilever, Philippines, in consonance with Republic Act. No. 9512, also known as the Environmental Awareness and Education Act of 2008.
It is also in line with the country’s support to the declaration of 2012 as the ASEAN Environment Year with the theme “Environmental Awareness thru Eco-Schools,” and the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014).
Tanilon said programs and projects on environmental concerns and sustainable practices unique to FU, for instance, include: a) vision and mission proclaiming the unity of human and environmental wellness with the tagline: “A healthy people in a healthy environment;” b) programs promoting personal health like the quarter marathon wellness walk, Dumaguete Adventure Marathon, children and youth at play at the Greyhound Garden, PE program, production and use of coco sugar; c) environmental preservation like the Banica Atong Suba, Manjuyod Experiment, paperless transaction, school-on-air for education of farmers on the value of organic farming, campaign for pedestrianization and walkable communities, the “Rice is Life” conservation program, waste segregation, recycling, sensor lighting, and urban gardening among others.
Dr. Aparicio Mequi, dean of the Graduate School of FU, who heads the university’s environmental committee, said these projects are unique programs and projects which would give us the edge over the other contestants. However, we realize the weight of responsibility and accountability that is now placed on our shoulders on behalf of the entire region of Central Visayas. It’s an extremely challenging responsibility as we are not only representing FU but the whole region composed of Cebu, Bohol, Siquijor and Negros Oriental.” (Paul Edward Bajas)