Have Faith this Christmas!
In view of our recent experience of Destruction and Death brought about by Typhoon Odette: of our roofs ripped from our houses; our walls torn from their posts; our trees uprooted from the ground; of some of our loved ones dying, there is that great temptation to despair, and to succumb to misery, I say, “Have faith!”
Indeed, while we lament the damage, if not the loss, of our properties, and grieve over the lost lives of people we know, let us not sink into hopelessness — like Peter sinking into the sea when he noticed the strong waves, and began to doubt the Lord’s power (Matthew 14:30-31).
We have each other, and we have God in our midst. Together, with God’s help, we can overcome this recent storm in our lives — physical as well as emotional.
Meanwhile, let us remain calm. With the CoViD-19 pandemic still with us, let us observe the necessary health protocols so as not to further compound our present problems.
Let us, moreover, continue to look out for one another. As John the Baptist has declared in one of our Advent readings, “Whoever has two tunics should share with the person who has none. And whoever has food should do likewise.” (Luke 3:11)
It is edifying to see the outpouring of love, concern, and generosity being extended by individuals, parishes, and institutions to our brothers and sisters in need — in Bais, Manjuyod, up to Jimalalud. May we continue with that spirit of sharing with each other what we have, so that together, we shall rise above this calamitous and traumatic experience.
Let us also continue to pray for one another and for our community. This experience may have cast a gloom over our bright expectations of Christmas; nevertheless, let us console ourselves with these words from the prophet Isaiah 9:2: “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; Upon those who lived in a land of gloom a light has shone.”
Again, have Faith! A Savior is born to us. He shall dwell with us for He is Emmanuel, “God with us”.
And, surely, our Lord will wipe every tear from our eyes (Revelation 21:3-4).
So hang on, and have Faith — for it is Christmas!
Diocese of Dumaguete
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