So you want to be healthier and happier this year. Have you reflected on how you spent the previous year? Do you have any plans to improve on your old bad habits or totally eliminate them?
Living a healthy and happy life may not only be about your physical self but it also includes the emotional, social, and spiritual aspects. In addition, it involves practicing healthy and happy habits each day. Remember, health is not seasonal.
Healthy habits for everyone. 1) Talk with people with a positive disposition in life. 2) Write down in a journal three good things that happened to you each day. 3) Laugh more often because it releases endorphins. 4) Get some sun or a “happy light” especially when it is a gray day. 5) Move around (walk or exercise for 20 minutes or longer each day). 6) Read everyday. 7) Count your steps. 8) Call an old friend or a long-lost relative. 9) Invest 30 minutes in a hobby. 10) Buy something new (even a new flavor of tea/coffee). 11) Never skip breakfast. 12) Make your bed every morning. 13) Practice gratitude. Always say thank you. 14) Drink six to eight glasses of water each day. 15) Keep a journal. 16) Perform an act of kindness. 17) Eat fruits and veggies. 18) Start the day with a positive mind-set. 19) Do more of what you love. 20) Plan your goals, create a schedule, keep a to-do list. 21) Meditate upon waking up or at night. 23) Get eight hours of sleep. 24) Be tidy and organized. 25) Set aside 10 to 15 minutes for quiet time. 26) Feed your soul: have a prayer group do bible study, be an active church member. 27) Manage your finances well – keep track of your expenses and set aside some amount for the rainy day.
Habits of the happiest couples. 1) Divide house chores. 2) Put away your devices when you are together. 3) Always make eye contact. 4) Have a ritual together, like having coffee at 3pm. 5) Compliment each other everyday. 6) Take time to connect. 7) Show your appreciation for each other everyday. 8) Cuddle. 9) Forgive and move on. 10) Be generous with your smile for each other.
7 habits for older persons. 1) Focus on prevention. 2) Get social. 3) Keep your mind sharp by reading. 4) Be physically active by taking a short walk everyday. 5) Pay attention to your eyes and teeth. 6) Make healthy food choices. 7) Manage the intake of your medicines.
What parents can do to teach their children. 1) Make eating colorful. 2) Never skip breakfast. 3) Get into fun physical activities. 4) Don’t be a couch potato, watching TV all weekend. (5) Read everyday. 6) Drink water, not soda. 7) Read food labels, not designer clothing labels. 8) Invest good bonding time especially in family dinners. 9) Spend time with friends. 10) Stay positive.
Most often in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we fail to think about and developing positive habits which may make a difference between having an okay day or an upbeat and positive one.
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