What is your daily regimen with your mountain bike?
Before I go biking, I clean my bike completely so that I can also determine if there is any damage on my bike or not, so that I will have a safe ride. [Bikers also love to say that a clean bike is a fast bike.] And then I eat a light breakfast, and drink milk to give me strength in pedalling. Of course, before I leave the house for biking, I pray for divine guidance in my training.
Why do you love to ride your mountain bike? What do you get out of biking?
I love biking because it gives me joy. Biking has also given me a lot, including many close friends who share my passion; and financial and other rewards (like trophies) when I win in races which I can share with my family to make them proud of my sporting achievements.
What are some techniques/tips that you can share with those who wish to start mountain biking or those who want to be good in the sport like you?
For me, I don’t have specific techniques but if you want to be strong in biking, you only need to strive training daily. You also need to think positively that you can do it, as long as you trust your bike, you trust on your skills, and you trust God to see you through.
Tell us why you prefer training without a saddle (bike seat).
The reason why I remove my saddle from my bike is to train my leg muscles, quads, and thighs. It also teaches me to get used to physical difficulties and pains, knowing that hard races involve a great deal of pain; that’s why you need to get very used to pain and experience it even during training sessions.
What do you do when you are not training for a competition? How do you relax?
I watch movies on TV at home with my family or with my girlfriend to balance my time spent on training activities on the mountain bike. I believe that my family and my girlfriend are my sources of inspiration and strength, especially during races.
I also go to church every Sunday to give thanks to God for all the graces and guidance I receive all the time in all my activities and races.
How has your sport helped you personally? How has it improved your life?
Biking has contributed a lot to my life so far. I wouldn’t know what I would be doing [for a livelihood] if I were not joining bike competitions. I also wouldn’t have made this many friends if I did not belong to the ONe Bikers family. I would also not have discovered the physical skills that I am capable of. I had tried to join other sports before but this is where I was able to develop my skills well, and I really enjoy riding my bike. That’s why I am very thankful to this sport.
How does your family show support to you for your love for mountain biking?
Whenever I have a race that is just close to Dumaguete, my family would always come watch me compete. Even though sometimes they are busy, they prioritize watching my race, showing to me how supportive they are of my interest and fondness for this sport. They always encourage me, “Kaya ra nimo ang imong mga kontra; basta salig lang!” (You can keep up with your opponents; just have faith!)
What is your dream? What do you want to become?
I have a simple dream: that I will become one of the strongest in the field of mountain biking, and to be able to travel to other places I’ve never been to, where I can compete against the strongest riders. That’s my humble dream. (Translated from Bisaya by Melissa Alexandra Pal)
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