Liquor Ban. All stores (supermarkets, groceries, convenience stores, sari-sari stores, etc.) are to refrain from selling liquor, alcoholic beverages, and spirits to customers.
All residents and non-residents, regardless of age, sex, and nationality are to refrain from purchasing alcoholic beverages and spirits.
Drinking alcoholic beverages in public places shall be strictly prohibited.
24-hour Curfew is strongly advocated with the exception of only one person per household allowed to go outside their households to buy basic necessities. The use of private vehicles for this purpose is allowed.
No Travel on Sundays. The no-movement policy for residents and non-residents in Dumaguete City shall be enforced on Sundays.
No Pass-No Entry. Refusal of entry in business establishments offering essentials without a Resident’s Pass or a Temporary Safe Pass Business.
Establishments offering essential services (food, medicines) to the public are mandated to strictly check the Resident’s Pass or Temporary Safe Pass to residents and non-resident customers. Failure to show such passes shall cause the establishment to refuse entry to the customer.
Yellow Passes shall not be honored in these establishments.
Fake Passes. Based on Ordinance No. 34, any person found to be in possession of a fake pass shall be apprehended and taken to the Dumaguete City Police Station for blotter and imprisonment for committing the crime of Falsification of Public Document and using it.
Masks and Social Distancing. It shall be unlawful for any person not to wear protective mouth covering (mask) in public places, markets, supermarkets, malls, groceries, and other establishments.
Business establishments, including the public market, are prohibited from serving or entertaining any customer not wearing a face mask.
It shall be the duty of business establishments to enforce the Social Distancing policy in their respective place of business.
1. All essential workers/front-liners who are not from Dumaguete are allowed to enter the City at the time of their workhours. They just need to show their Yellow Pass or company ID and Certificate of Employment to enter the City boundaries.
2. They would need the Green Temporary Safe Pass to do grocery shopping or marketing in Dumaguete. They can only secure a Green Pass when they surrender their Quarantine Pass at the checkpoint, allowed only on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays.
3. No Quarantine Pass-No Green Temporary Safe Pass. If they don’t have the Quarantine Pass, they are prohibited from being issued a Green Pass. They have to secure ahead their Quarantine Pass from their respective municipal hall.
4. Their Quarantine Pass will be returned as they exit the Dumaguete checkpoint, after returning the Green Temporary Safe Pass.
5. Persons with medical emergencies are allowed to enter the Dumaguete checkpoints even without the required Passes; they only need to go directly to the hospital or the clinic.
The first batch of recipients of the 2020 Social Amelioration Program will receive their financial assistance starting Friday at the City Treasurer’s Office.
The beneficiaries were endorsed by the Barangays, and pre-determined by the regional office of the Department of Social Welfare & Development based on a master list of names that have valid supporting documents.
City Mayor Felipe Antonio Remollo has appealed to the beneficiaries to prioritize the purchase of basic needs, and avoiding using the cash assistance for gambling or other vices.
The barangay officials have been mandated to post in public places the names of all recipients for purposes of transparency.
Remollo said the distribution of the cash assistance could continue in the next batch, as more beneficiaries are being listed and documents validated.
Police and other volunteers will be deployed at the City Treasurer’s office to ensure the security of the cashiers/disbursers and the beneficiaries.