(We are adopting – with slight revisions – the stand of the Silliman University College of Law as our editorial to denounce the attack on lawyer Ray J. Moncada.)
We strongly condemn the senseless killing of another lawyer in Negros Oriental.
We lost a good man. Atty Ray J. Moncada of SULAW Batch ‘87 succumbed to gunshot wounds caused by unknown assailants on Jan. 3, 2020.
He was gunned down in front of his house, some weeks short of his 75th birthday.
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Ray Moncada was a man of few yet powerful words. A devoted family man, a great lawyer, a mentor, and a friend — Atty. Moncada was an exceptional human being.
He was an unpretentious yet special man of the law, any lawyer would want to emulate his ways.
He lived the Via, Veritas, Vita; a lawyer who practiced Law with a Conscience. He only fought for what was right and just.
This glaring disrespect of the law and our justice system is alarming. Lawyers are plucked from this world with impunity. No words can describe the horror that we all face.
We pray for his eternal repose, as we also pray that justice will be served. We pray for the safety of each and everyone in the law profession.
The Silliman Law community condoles in the deepest sense with his family. Atty. Ray J. Moncada lived a good life.
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