The sun has come out once again from the veil of clouds on the horizon.
I stare out again as I face the prospect of going out and seeing patients in the hospital. I stare at my beautiful family still sleeping, and wonder whether this would be the day I get this dreaded virus.
I am careful, of course, washing my hands every chance I get, N95 mask on, and whatever, but the virus can get to you if not physically, mentally.
The paranoia that every little cough, sneeze, back pain, headache could be the start of something even more scary.
Admittedly, I got into medicine not knowing what I was really in for. But along the way, most especially during post-graduate internship, something switched on.
I saw how beautiful this job can be. Demanding, yes. Sacrifices, you name it. But I loved it.
This crisis has brought out some of the best and the worst in people, doctors included. Some have denounced their Hippocratic oaths, some have preferred the safety of their homes for their own health and family reasons, and some have stayed out in front to battle the virus head on.
Personally, I will always be the guy that wears my medical heart on my sleeve. I will doctor until I can’t doctor anymore. And I will toe the line with the residents, doctors, nurses, aides, and non-medical personnel in this fight.
I was taught and trained all too well to be a physician with a heart – some call it foolish, useless in this day and age, a thankless job – but I would rather be the careful fool, and practice medicine how it is supposed to be, rather than stay and shout expletives at how people are not doing what they are supposed to be doing. We all have our roles to play.
But I also believe that the lines in this war has shifted. We are no longer on the frontlines.
Shocker. Yes, we, the healthcare workers, are not your frontliners any longer. We are your LAST LINE OF DEFENSE.
YOU, my fellow people, are the frontliners now. The war has shifted to the community, and it is up to you. This cannot be won in the confines of the hospital.
You know what you need to do — SOCIAL DISTANCING, PROPER HYGIENE, WASH YOUR HANDS — we don’t need you to pick up a gun in this battle.
The government is how it is. At times sensible, at times seemingly-hopeless. And once we get through this war, I am sure it will be quick to claim credit.
But WE will know.
Let us make our stand, a little bit apart than usual, but a stand, nonetheless. This is that ONE big push up the middle in Warcraft when every hero has regenerated, the 12-0 run with three minutes left to go in Game 7 of the NBA finals, the Kansas City Chiefs magic, and whatever metaphor you can come up with.
I will have your back. Let us help each other by staying apart.
I, more than anything, want the time when I don’t have to answer my daughters’ questions on why I can’t hug them when I come home, to arrive at the soonest possible time.
Author’s email: [email protected]