OpinionsNurse TalesLife is too short

Life is too short


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Life is short… we all know it, but we seem to think that we will live forever.

We spend time and money as though we would be here forever. We buy things as if they matter and we put off the “trip of a lifetime” for next year and we are afraid. We do not reach high enough because we are worried of failing. We should change our mind-set by accepting that life is indeed short, so we have to live it now. Because now is all we have and we may not be here tomorrow. So say “I love you.” Pray for each other and hug your loved ones, for life is short and uncertain.

There are 20 things to worry about, according to Leon Ho:

-Bills: Create a budget for yourself and stick to it; cut unimportant bills; pay back any debts to family and friends first; and keep your collateral loans like auto, and mortgage, current.


-The past. Learn from your hardships and fight harder next time.




-Aging. You can’t speed or slow time. Enjoy your life as it is now.

-Death. Be brave enough to face mortality and live your life to the fullest each day.

-What people think.

-What other people are doing.

- Safety and comfort. Taking chances is important in one’s life, because after all, we only live once.

- Mistakes. It’s okay to make mistakes but ascertain what causes the mistake, and what you can do to avoid it or improve the outcome. Remember Thomas Edison, regards mistakes as a key to innovation. Some of the greatest inventions were discovered by mistakes.


-Your luck. Pursue your dreams and believe that you have achieved them.

-What can go wrong.


-The small stuff. Little things can go wrong every day in our lives. Instead of feeling bad about it, focus on all the positives.

-The price tag. Work hard to get an item which you really want.

-Anything else outside your control, focus on the present instead of those things which you cannot control like increase in gas prices, the traffic, and others.

-Being perfect. Stop wasting your time to be perfect —test your boundaries—then you will begin to enjoy life more.

This Bible verse and quote are apt reminders of the shortness of our life here on earth:

Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away. –James 4:14

I shall pass through this world but once. Any good, therefore that I can do or any kindness I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again. –Stephen Grellet.


Author’s email: [email protected]

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