God gave us the gift of life; it is up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well. —Voltaire
We bade goodbye to 2019 and welcomed 2020 as well as a new decade, let us all resolve to live well!
Zorka Hereford in The Art of Living Well (Essential/Life Skills) claims that there is an art to everything, including living well. She further states that: “The art of living well is to make your life an expression of who you are, what you believe, and your hopes, dreams and desires.” She adds that to make your life a work of art, there should be an ongoing, evolving, and creative endeavor on your part. She likened living well from just living to preparing a meal, as thus: when one is hungry, he/she can just gather together anything which is available without considering their nutritional value, taste or visual appeal. Or one can choose to prepare a pleasing, nutritious, tasty meal and enjoy the experience. She gives this advice on how to make your life a work of art: 1) Make each moment count and live it to the fullest; 2) Express yourself and create the life you want; 3) Establish an open, accepting and appreciative mindset; 4) Be who you are and go after what you want; 5) Have a solid personal foundation balanced with relationships with family, friends and the community.
You know that you are living well when you: 1) wake up in the morning and can’t wait for the adventure that lies ahead of you; 2) are optimistic, cheerful, and confident; 3) are interested in and want to contribute to others and the world around you; 4) focus on the good things in your life and improve on what’s not working; 5)are aware, appreciative, and engaged in life; 6) turn obstacles to opportunities; and 7) seize each moment. (Z. Hereford)
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Here are four simple words to help you live well according to Tara Parker-Pope (New York Times, Jan. 2, 2019): Move. Nourish. Refresh and Connect. Science will bear us out: if we move our bodies even just a little each day, we will be healthier rather if we are sedentary; if we nourish our bodies with nutritious food, we will also be healthier; if we allow our minds to take a break, we will feel refreshed; and lastly, if we connect regularly with loved ones and friends we will be both happier and healthier.
How we live our lives on this planet entirely depends upon us, but if we have a choice, let us choose to live well. Many of us older adults are experiencing “successful aging” through breakthroughs and advances in medical science and self-care modalities which are available and are practiced by us, while others may not be so lucky in life. Whatever your choice—may you choose the positive one and that is, live well and live life to the fullest, for life is short and valuable.
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. (Albert Einstein)
Happy New Year!
Author’s email: [email protected]
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