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Mayor to pursue high-impact projects


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Now officially serving his second term, Mayor Felipe Antonio Remollo hit the ground running and has mobilized engineers, planners and various departments heads of the city government so that all the big ticket infrastructure projects will be realized at the soonest possible time.

In the coming weeks, the construction of the full span P25 million concrete bridge in Colon Street at the back of Foundation University will commence while the public bidding for the P 50 million concrete bridge near the Bureau of Internal Revenue may be started this month. The two bridges will ensure safety of both motorists and residents along the banks of Banica River that will control flood and relieve traffic congestion in the downtown area.

Having secured the Environmental Compliance Certificate and other permits, the City Government will implement the rehabilitation and improvement of the Rizal Boulevard that will protect not only this city’s famous tourist attraction from erosion and destruction caused by huge waves and storm surges but also all the establishments, highway, homes and communities along the beach front.

The multi-million central Materials Recovery Facility where solid wastes will be sorted and disposed accordingly will break ground in the coming weeks. Once finished it will house all the scavengers, who will be relocated after the Candau-ay dumpsite will be closed for good. Adjacent to the MRF will be the sanitary landfill, the construction will start once all the necessary permits and clearances shall have been secured from the government agencies. These facilities, including the machinery that will turn plastic wastes into chairs and tables for public schools will be situated inside the 8-hectare lot purchased by the City Government in Barangay Candau-ay.

Still ongoing is the restoration of the Old Presidencia and its conversion into a regional museum under the auspices of the National Museum of the Philippines. This multi-million project will allow both residents and tourists to relive our rich heritage and shall include the rehabilitation of the Manuel L. Quezon Park, the light up of Burgos Street and Rizal Boulevard.

And to modernize traffic management of our streets, Mayor Remollo will pursue the project to install Automatic Traffic Signaling System in 14 major intersections that will probably cost the city government P 40 million.

The traffic light system will complement the CCTV system slated to be fully operational in the 8 Poblacion Barangays by the end of this month and the entire city before fiesta, which will help not only in the anti-crime drive of the administration but in penalizing erring drivers, illegally parked vehicles and hit-and-run suspects.

Finally, a new government center to be situated along the Dumaguete Diversion Road remains vital to the master plan that once realized will ensure a cleaner, greener, healthier, safer and livable smart city that all stakeholders and the next generation deserve.

In his remarks during the inauguration, Mayor Remollo appeals to his fellow elected officials headed by Vice-Mayor Alan Gel Cordova and the City Council for unity and cooperation for after all it is always better to be remembered by the good legacy of their service not by the number of votes they have obtained. (PIO)

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