This is his wish- “to be complete” He painted that slogan, that wish, on a lantern to be floated out to sea. It was his contribution to the “Dal Uy” festival held here annually at sunset on the beach below the boulevard.
“Dal Uy” is an event that was imported here from Hawaii, and sponsored by Foundation University for it’s students and it’s staff. The idea is that each person involved makes a lantern, like this one, with a single candle for illumination.
They inscribe on these lantern a personal wish, or wishes, and, as darkness falls, they gently float the lanterns out into the ocean, to make their desires known to whatever forces in the universe might be paying attention. These lanterns, hundreds of them, make beautiful patterns of light against the encroaching darkness as they float away.
The inscribed wishes on these lanterns vary widely, depending on the persons who make them. Here are some wishes from this year’s Dal Uy:
Conventional formulas- what they think they are expected to wish for: “Love and Peace for the entire world” “A Peaceful Community” “Peace for Them, for Me, By God”. Others, more personal and practical: “I wish to have good grades” I wish to pass the exam” “I wish to be successful in my chosen career”.
And there are the personal wishes that are only fantasies: “I wish to have a DSLR” (with a drawing of a camera ) and “I wish I can meet Justin Bieber in person” (with a drawing of a heart).
Finally, there are wishes that come from the heart, from real personal pain: “I wish my sister will come home” “I wish my father have a job” …And then there’s this boy, who “Wants to be Complete”.
“I Want to be Complete”. It’s not a wish that would normally occur to anyone here in just those words. And in fact the phrase is not from here; It’s an American advertising slogan, for a common brand of vitamin pills.
People form their thoughts and wishes from everything they see around them, and fit it to themselves. His wish is not for vitamin pills. He has transformed that tired sales pitch into an original idea: a wish not for money, or good grades, or for anything specific.
He’s wishing for a solid, satisfying individual life for himself in all respects. It’s a good wish.