Walking alone one night in Jersey City, U.S.A., I saw this.
It was late, I was tired, and at first I didn’t know what I was looking at.
But then I saw that it was a mural, brightly lit by a streetlight, painted on a plain brick wall; an imaginary landscape- with a real car in front of it, a car which might have been parked there to enhance the painting.
Aside from that, the street was empty; and anyway, it was hardly a street at all, more like a back alley- a nothing place. The mural was painted on the back side of an old brick store-front building, by the exit for the trash.
Murals usually painted for a particular purpose- But this mural had none. it had no social message, it had nothing to sell, nor could it entertain a large public, because in that location it would remain unseen.
So why would anyone go to the trouble and effort to paint an elaborate mural in this place? It was a mystery, completely pointless; just a momentary grace note in the life of anyone who happened to pass by and notice it. But maybe that was reason enough.