The annual convention of the Association of Philippine Medical Colleges scheduled Feb. 5 to 7 in Dumaguete was cancelled due to the health threat posed by the emergence of the 2019-novel CororaVirus outbreak.
This was announced by Dr. Walden Ursos, dean of the SU College of Medicine which is hosting this year’s convention.
He said the executive committee officially cancelled the 53rd APMC Annual Convention, and the 3rd APMC-Student Network Convention scheduled from Feb. 7-9.
Ursos quoted APMC President Dr. Manuel Dayrit as saying: “There are indications that the outbreak will continue to escalate in the coming days, weeks, maybe months. We have not seen the worst yet… While the Wuhan tourist who travelled to Cebu and Dumaguete recovered, there is a possibility that she has infected others during her course of illness and travel. Given the epidemiology of the virus, it is prudent to minimize circulation and travel of people at this time…it is prudent for us to be proactive because the consequences of the infection (serious illness and even death) among any faculty, students, and staff in the conference is so dire, so it is better to prevent them.”
The cancellation was also acknowledged by APMC director Dr. Ramon Arcadio through a memorandum he sent to all medical schools in the country.
“We were 95 percent ready to host both conventions but we do agree the cancellation was the best decision the APMC made,” said Dr. Ursos.