The Silliman University National Writers Workshop is extending the deadline of applications for the 52nd National Writers Workshop to 25 January 2012. Entries postmarked on that date will still be accepted.
The workshop, to be held 6–24 May 2013 at the SU Rose Lamb Sobrepeña Writers Village, is offering 12 fellowships to promising writers in the Philippines and three fellowships to promising writers from any of the countries in the ASEAN who want to have a chance to hone their craft and refine their style. Fellows will be provided housing, a modest stipend, and a subsidy to partially defray costs of their transportation.
All manuscripts should comply with the instructions stated below. (Failure to do so will automatically eliminate their entries).
Applicants for Fiction and Creative Nonfiction fellowships should submit three to four entries. Applicants for Poetry fellowships should submit a suite of seven to 10 poems. Applicants for Drama fellowship should submit at least a One-Act Play. For plays beyond the one-act length, a scene accompanied by a synopsis of the entire work should be included.
Each fiction, creative nonfiction, or drama manuscript should not be more than 50 pages, double-spaced. A submission of half that length is more than sufficient as a critical gauge. Poetry entries need not be double-spaced.
Manuscripts should be submitted in five hard copies. They should be computerized in MS Word, double-spaced, on 8.5 x 11 inches bond paper, with approximately one-inch margin on all sides. The page number must be typed consecutively (e.g., 1 of 30, 2 of 30, and so on) at the center of the bottom margin of each page. The font should be Book Antiqua or Palatino, with font size 12.
The applicant’s real name and address must appear only in the official application form and the certification of originality of works, and must not appear on the manuscripts. Manuscripts should be accompanied by the official application form, a notarized certification of originality of works, and at least one letter of recommendation from a literature professor or an established writer. All requirements must be complete at the time of submission.
Send all applications or requests for information to Department of English & Literature, attention Prof. Ian Rosales Casocot, Workshop Coordinator, Katipunan Hall, Silliman University, 6200 Dumaguete City. For inquiries, email [email protected] or call 035-422-6002 loc. 350.