Ten incoming first year high school students from Negros Oriental passed the October 2019 National Competitive Examination (NCE) for the scholarship offered by the Department of Science & Technology’s Philippine Science High School System (DOST-PSHSS) eligible for admission to Central Visayas Campus in Talaytay, Argao, Cebu.
Among those who qualified were: Zach Julian Amores of ABC Learning Center; Mondethird Dapitan of Bayawan City Science and Technology Education Center; Jan Abram Rusiana and Dexcy Mea Yano of West City Science Elementary School; Angel Mae Bangay, Rigel Neron Batucan, Nathaniel Cerdania, Zabrina Khae Concepcion and Prince Godwin Tesado of West City Exceptional Child Learning Center. One qualifier requested not to be named for data privacy purposes.
The PSHS scholars get a monthly stipend in addition to free tuition and free loan of textbooks. Uniform, transportation and living allowances are also given according to financial need. The PSHS System, as mandated under Section 2 of Republic Act 3661, aims to offer free scholarship for secondary course with special emphasis to subjects pertaining to the sciences with the end view of preparing its students for a future science career.
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The PSHS system identified a total of 90 qualifiers eligible for PSHS Central Visayas Campus. This year’s qualifiers represent about 8% of the total 121 examinees in the province who took the nationwide exam on October 19, 2019 at Silliman University, Dumaguete City. Of the 30,986 applicants, 1,540 examinees successfully hurdled the one-step screening administered nationwide.
Qualifiers are requested to immediately contact the Registrar or the Campus Director of the PSHS Campus where they are eligible to enrol, or visit the following websites: www.pshs.edu.ph or www.dost.gov.ph for more information on early enrollment.
Deadline for slot confirmation/reservation of principal qualifiers is on January 31, 2020 for Main Campus qualifiers and on February 18, 2020 for Regional Campus qualifiers. Specific schedule of other enrolment activities shall be announced by the respective campuses. (Sean Adrian T. Guardiano/DOST Negros Oriental PSTC S&T Media Service)
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