Incoming Silliman University President, Betty Cernol-McCann encouraged higher education institutions to look deeper into how they can respond to the transforming landscape of higher education in their own environmental context and given their respective strengths and resources.
Speaking at the 23rd national convention of the Philippine Association of Administrators of Student Affairs Inc. in Cebu City recently, McCann presented three general ways to respond to the changes in the 21st century in terms of “3Ps” — programs, people and partners. These, she said, also constitute the horizon of student affairs: enhancing programs, retooling and developing the staff, and building partnerships and creating networks, a press release from Silliman University said.
McCann spoke on Philippine Higher Education: Directions and Horizons, and discussed the interplay of factors and global trends that transform the landscape of higher education globally. She cited “internationalization” and “ASEAnization” as two realities that challenge higher education in the Philippines today.
McCann, who is the first woman to become president of Silliman, noted that while there are factors that influence higher education, there is diverse educational development in the Asian region brought about by difference in resources, population and historical context. She said there is no one model in the world for higher education, just as there is no one model in Asia and one for higher education in the Philippines, the press release said.
She also said, universities are either at the center or at the peripheral, depending on which reference one is using and that globally, one institution may be at the periphery, but locally, the same may be at the center.
The two-day national convention focused on the Empowered Student Affairs and Services Practitioners in an Evolving Landscape of Higher Education: New Directions, New Horizons. It brought in 185 participants representing 96 institutions from around the country.
Silliman is among the active institutional members of PAASA. Dean of Students Edna Gladys Calingacion is a member of its board and concurrently the association’s auditor.
With Calingacion from Silliman at the convention were Guidance head Jaruvic Rafols, and Student Organizations & Activities head Abe Cadeliña. (SU OIP)
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