This is my professional take on the reclamation at the boulevard. There is nothing wrong with it.
First, as a common urban and environmental planning practice, many coastal cities in the world have adopted reclamation activities for various public goals such as shoreline protection, public space, underground utilities, wastewater treatment, building polders, dikes, sediments and debris removal, etc.
Second, Dumaguete City is demographically growing, and there is no way to stop that, short of preventing people from visiting, shopping, residing, or retiring here.
Now, any clear-headed person realizes that whether he/she likes it or not, the negative externalities that such growth poses must be internalized through local government planning interventions.
Third, the reclamation at the boulevard is only part of the comprehensive plan of Mayor Ipe Remollo not only to internalize the negative effects of demographic change, but also to rationally guide, and manage the unstoppable growth of the City.
He is on the right track on this matter. His overall plan to create and distribute growth points on selected areas of the City is commendable.
I think it is well thought- out, and if properly implemented, and on time — the City will become a progressive and sustainable model of a City in the Philippines that is oriented towards pedestrians, the environment, and its culture.
Unfortunately, every leader will always have his/her share of detractors including pseudo urban planners, pseudo environmentalists, pseudo journalists, as well as sore losers.
My only advice for Dumagueteños: Don’t fall for these peddlers of snake oil.
Dr. Efren Padilla
California State University-East Bay
[email protected]
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