FLORIDA, USA — I have reviewed a number of videos on YouTube, and articles this past week that by now, I am so outraged!
At the same time, I feel exhausted, and asking myself, why should I care? I could just go on coaching pupils interested in sports, and enjoy life with my family.
But something tells me not to give up on my advocacy, and continue on with presenting not my opinion but of those whom I trust, who had put their expertise and reputation up to scrutiny and indifference.
As I had written here before, there seems to be a lot of difference of opinion when it comes to science. So whose science do we follow?
For me, I follow the science of the Bible.
We are what we eat and do. It all starts with what we eat, how much we eat, and how we take care of our bodies.
I was stunned this week while watching FOX News with Maria Bartiromo reporting on the lack of media coverage of certain drugs to treat the coronavirus. She was interviewing U.S. Sen.Ron Johnson and Dr. Pierre Kory, and called out a “corporate media cover-up”.
Dr. Kory, an infectious disease specialist, was right all along, she stated, when he shared to the public last year about the effectiveness of Ivermectin. Such media cover-up has since cost lives, with 600,000 Americans dead relating to CoViD because of greed.
How many more Filipino lives will be lost to CoViD because of indifference, callousness, and just plain ignorance?
I just read that the Philippines might receive 100 million doses of vaccine by October, according to Dr. Lulu Bravo, executive director of the Philippine Foundation for Vaccination.
By October? I wonder how many more will die until then?
He also stated that “nobody knows yet how high the efficacy rate is, ang importante magpabakuna tayo!”
I can’t believe it. The efficacy rate is not important? I think it would be important to the person receiving the vaccine.
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Another doctor I came across is Peter McCullough, internist and cardiologist at the Texas A & M School of Medicine. Among his credentials is being editor of two major medical journals. He is the most published in his field of the heart and kidneys, stating that no one in history has more qualifications. He was invited to appear before a Texas Senate hearing on CoViD-19.
As the virus was spreading last year, he realized the need for early treatment of patients who presented with CoViD-19. Most physicians were not doing early treatment, waiting for patients presenting at hospitals, with most cases ending unfavorably.
He adds that there have been over 50,000 studies done on CoViD, but not one provided doctors findings on how to treat patients with the virus. He says there has been so much emphasis on vaccines, but not enough on early treatment of the virus.
Seems as if most are simply waiting for the vaccine. And yet, more people continue to die while waiting when treatment is actually available. Beyond belief, he adds, is the lack of information in the media and by medical professionals.
Other facts he presents is that those who either got infected with CoViD and recovered, or those who did not have symptoms, have complete and durable immunity.
You cannot vaccinate in addition, and make immunity more effective. How many doctors who are popular in media have actually treated CoViD patients? Not one, he adds — which could also be true back home in the Philippines.
I wanted to add other information but that could be for another day. I will just say for now that we need to open our eyes, gain knowledge and wisdom, as the first chapter of Proverbs declares.
Remember, survival of the fittest.
Author’s email: [email protected]