According to the online edition of a local newspaper story dated November 1, 2017, incidents of teenage pregnancy in Dumaguete have significantly diminished. From 318 cases in 2016, it dropped to 269 cases this year. The report which was drafted by the City Population Office ascribed the decrease to the consistent intervention of professionals whose major tasks include the infusion of values and discipline among the youth. If I’m not mistaken, the word ‘professionals’ here is referring to the office personnel of the City POPCOM or to other people who are professionally trained (such as psychologists, school counselors, church people) to deal with youngsters who are having problems with their personal lives or with the law.
This is a heartwarming development because it illustrates the compassion of public servants and private sector professionals to the plight of the youth. I believe, they should be commended for such initiative and their effort must be recognized.
However, there is one thing that bothers me. Shouldn’t the parents be the ones responsible in developing their children’s good values? If the decrease of teenage pregnancies can be attributed to professionals outside of the family, then what does that tell us of today’s parents? Does it mean that parents of today can no longer discipline their teenagers? Does it mean that modern-day parents have to rely on other people so that their children will not go astray and take the wrong path? Does it also mean that teenagers at present listen to other people more than they listen to their parents? So, does it mean that if there are no trained professionals to guide the youth, many youngsters will definitely choose the path that could lead them to hell?
I know it will be too judgmental for me to say that just because the news story says the decrease in teenage pregnancy can be credited to professionals outside of the home, it means that parents are not doing anything. Yet, it cannot be denied — basing on that report — that other people’s actions are the ones that triggered the decrease and not parents’ love, care and attention.
My point is — more than anybody else in this world, the parents are the ones who should take the cudgels in molding their children. They should be the ones who should serve as role models in their teenagers’ lives and not other people. The parents should be the source of good values that could be emulated by their children until they themselves have grown old. Because if they cannot be the source of respect, dignity, self-worth, compassion, and generosity, then what is the use of their being parents? If they cannot mold their children to become productive and morally upright individuals in the future, then what is the use of God’s giving them the privilege to become parents?
We need to remember that being a parent is not a right. It is a privilege. And just like any other privileges in this world, it must not be abused or taken for granted. Because when we do, that privilege will be snatched away from us anytime. And when we finally realize what we have taken for granted, it will be too late.
Author’s email: [email protected]