Philippine Coast Guard Vice Admiral Edmund Tan yesterday clarified that his 90-day preventive suspension from the Sandiganbayan is not for a graft and corruption case.
Tan said “I respect the resolution of the Sandiganbayan in suspending me for 90 days, (and) I respect the wisdom of DOTC, through Secretary Mar Roxas, in implementing the preventive suspension”.
But he emphasized that the suspension is not related to a graft and corruption case, but “an offshoot in the performance of our duty in promoting safety of life and property at sea, when we held a barge from departing in September 2007 in Bohol, for having no anchors in violation of the Philippine Merchant Marine Rules and Regulations”.
In his press statement, Tan said the incident happened when he was still the district commander for Central Eastern Visayas.
He said the administrative aspect of the complaint against him for “allegedly holding in abeyance” the shipment of iron ore cargo on board the barge with no anchors, was already dismissed by the Ombudsman in July 2011, the press release said.
Tan said an affidavit of desistance was issued by the complainant on May 2011 “as he realized that our action in not letting the barge depart was done in the performance of our duty as coastguardsmen”.
He added his dilemma was that the case has dragged on for so long. “Up to now, no decision has been made to resolve the case,” Tan said, adding that he issued the clarification to correct the negative image that his suspension has projected. (Rene Genove)