Of the three construction firms that joined the public bidding for the full span concrete bridge linking Barangays Batinguel and Bagacay near the Bureau of Internal Revenue, one offered a bid that was so low it saved the city government some P 12.2 million of the original budget.
The City Bids and Awards Committee chaired by City Legal Officer Manuel R. Arbon opened the bids of PhilSouth, Jaime B. Ching Enterprises, Jargon Construction and Supply/Mighty Hok Summit and Development Corporation, Tuesday.
Mayor Felipe Antonio B. Remollo was informed later that PhilSouth Builder’s bid was P 31.4 million, which was substantially lower than the budget allocation for the bridge’s construction at P 43. 6 million.
The two other bidders were disqualified due to some deficiencies in their bids paving the way for PhilSouth to be declared as the lowest bidder.
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The construction of the two bridges are among the priority projects of Mayor Remollo to decongest traffic and improve the safety of motorists and pedestrians especially with threats of floodwaters from Banica River.
If finally awarded to PhilSouth, this contract practically saves the city government significant funds that could be used for other infrastructure projects.
Next stage would be the determination if PhilSouth’s is the Lowest Calculated Responsive bid. Once declared, the BAC can make the recommendation to Mayor Remollo to award the project to PhilSouth. The winning bidder will have 345 calendar days to finish the construction of the bridge.
Meanwhile, the construction for the full span concrete bridge in Colon Street at the back of Foundation University undertaken by the Joint Venture of Jaime B. Ching Enterprises and Supreme Mega Structure Builders Inc. has started in earnest and the area is now closed to traffic. (PIO)
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