Piapi High School, the newest secondary school in Dumaguete City, celebrated its first founding anniversary July 15.
The celebration was anchored on the theme: Celebrating Four Years of Serving the Community with Quality Education, which was graced by Vice-Mayor Alan Gel Cordova and City Councilors Franklin Esmena Jr., Manuel Arbon, and Nilo Sayson.
Key officials of DepEd Division of Dumaguete City also attended the activity led by OIC-Asst. Schools Division Superintendent Emigdio Omictin, education supervisors Neri Ojastro, Orlando Cadano, Eduardo Tayko, Matilde Maata, and Dwight Esenio Sun.
“We are happy to see many guests coming from the different sectors of the community, from the City Government, DepED Dumaguete City, parents and alumni. Their presence inspires us in making the first founding anniversary of Piapi High School a truly memorable and significant experience,” said Maritza S. Ributaso, principal of Piapi High School.
Numerous academic activities were lined up for the celebration: essay writing contest, on-the-spot poster making contest, super quiz bowl, open chess tournament, mass dance contest. Winners were awarded with trophies and medals.
Piapi High School, formerly the Dumaguete City Technical & Vocational School, was established in 2007.In April this year, Piapi High School produced 73 pioneering batch of secondary school graduates. (Claude Sun)