The global pandemic of the virus from China known as CoViD-19 is getting a lot of people scared.
Even though the figures tell us there are more people who have recovered than those who have died from it, and that the number of confirmed cases is yet in the few hundreds, people are not taking chances.
Almost everyone practices, or at least knows about social distancing, and the importance of covering one’s mouth, especially when coughing or sneezing.
And sanitizing one’s hands every once in a while cannot be overemphasized.
The first few days of our community quarantine has shown us that the virus has not spread as fast as many health models had projected.
But we’re not yet off the hook. The low transmission numbers may be a result of the lack of test kits, so that even as we console ourselves that we do not have a positive CoViD case at the moment, there is still that possibility there are people out there, or right among us, who are asymptomatic CoViD-19 carriers.
At this critical time, we doff our hats to our dedicated health workers who are tirelessly at the frontlines, risking their own lives to save the lives of others.
We thank the many people and businesses who have expressed their appreciation to our health workers by providing food and other necessities to boost the morale of our health frontlines. We need more of these random acts of kindness.
We continue to lack test kits, personal protective equipment, and medicine.
But if you find yourself unable to give anything material to our health frontliners, you can still express your appreciation to them by not standing in their way.
That is why if we do our share in the community quarantine program, and simply STAY HOME, we will not only be doing it for our own good, but to a large extent, for the good of our health workers as well.