The Dumaguete City local government recently launched its search for the Ten Outstanding Dumaguetnons 2012 who have done exemplary effort and contributed for the development of the community.
The search committee composed of City Administrator William Ablong, Fiesta convenor Glenda Descuatan, Dr. Ramir Uytico of the Department of Education- Dumaguete Division; City Tourism Officer Woodrow Maquiling, Jr.; and City Nutrition Officer Lourdes Taburaza.
Ablong said the search is the first local government unit-initiated activity in recognizing the outstanding Dumaguetnon. There were civic groups and educational institutions that had conducted the search for Outstanding Dumagueteño in the previous years.
The community is encouraged to submit their nominations before the deadline on Monday at the city administrator’s office for evaluation and interview of the nominees.
Ablong said the awarding of the Ten Outstanding Dumaguetnon will be held on November 22.
He clarified that all sectors of the community are welcome to submit their nominations for those whom they believe deserves to be recognized and awarded. The screening committee will also be doing background check and research before releasing the final lists of nominees.
Uytico said they chose to use the word Dumaguetnon over Dumagueteño because it connotes the real Visayan speaking people from the known “City of Gentle People”. They also intentionally set the age limit of 40 years old in order to challenge the younger generation to improve and strengthen their endeavors for community development and organization involvement.
Dr. Uytico said the among the parameters in the selection for the Ten Outstanding Dumaguetenon includes the professional excellence, innovation and service to the community, leadership, integrity, morality, honesty, deportment and pioneering Dumaguetnon spirit. (PNA)