The Department of Education through the Special Education Division of the Bureau of Elementary Education has named two Dumaguetenos as outstanding SPED teachers during the 2011 National Conference on Special Education held Dec. 8.
West City Exceptional Child Learning Center’s Lelibeth N. Duran and Apolinaria A. Sun won first place in the fields of mental giftedness, and visual impairment, respectively. Both wen through extensive screening. “I am overwhelmed and humbled by this recognition. This award is dedicated to all my blind pupils who painstakingly go to school despite their condition,” said Apolinaria Sun, national winner for the visual impairment category.
Other winners in the Search include: Juliet C. Sonjaco who won third place (intellectual disability category), and Riza S. Garbo who was regional winner in the hearing impairment category.
The winners were selected based on instructional competence and teaching effectiveness, leadership capabilities, awards received in regional and division level competitions, continuous and dedicated service, professional advancement, and personal qualities and character.
The winners received plaques of recognition, and cash prizes during the awarding ceremony held at the Cebu Business Hotel. The event was attended by DepED key officials led by Sec. Armin A. Luistro who was also the keynote speaker.
The search aims to recognize the dedicated teachers who have rendered excellent services in the field of special education.