Thirty-three abandoned stalls in the public market will be up for raffle next week on April 12 to determine the next lessees, who shall pay for the arrears of their predecessors.
Councilor Joe Kenneth Arbas explains that it has been the policy of the city government that the new lessee must always settle and pay all the outstanding obligations of a particular stalls, especially those situated in prime locations, once they assume the use of the area in the public market.
This will allow the city government to recoup its losses due to the non-payment of rent or fees by the previous lessees. It was learned that there are stalls that have arrears of up to P 20,000 or more.
City Economic Enterprises Officer Jose Ronnie Fortin said that the applicants of any of the stalls must be personally present during the raffle on Thursday at Building II Public Market Complex and ready with their cash so they can promptly pay all the fees once they shall have been awarded to assume the stall.
Fortin reminded the applicants not to send any proxy to the raffle, which was originally scheduled on April 7 but was postponed to April 12. (PIO)
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