Dumaguete City hosted Tanghal 13: the National University and Community Theater Festival (Visayas leg) from Oct. 4-6, with theatre makers from Leyte, Cebu, Bohol, Negros Oriental, Negros Occidental, Iloilo and Antique.
Organized by the Youth Advocates through Theater Arts (YATTA), together with the Negros Island Initiatives for Rural Development, the Silliman University Culture & Arts Council, and the City of Dumaguete, Tanghal is a flagship project of the National Commission for Culture & the Arts-Committee on Dramatic Arts, headed by Dumaguete-based theater artist Dessa Quesada Palm.
The weekend also witnessed the premier of Sigbin: Stories of the Region, a collaborative theatre production of Tabok Central Visayas Theater Network members YATTA of Dumaguete City, Kasing Sining of Bohol, and Guang Ming Institute for the Performing Arts of Cebu, coordinated by the Sta. Fe Tourism Enterprises Association.
Some snapshots of the Tanghal Festival which carried the theme, Theatre Without Borders, and Sigbin. (Photo by Francis Ryan Pabiania)
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