MADRID, SPAIN – Yesterday, I celebrated Thanksgiving with my fellow members of the American Club and as is the norm during this day, it led me to contemplate about what to be thankful for and I would like you, dear readers to do the same.
As you go about your day, what are you thankful for? It was President Abraham Lincoln in1863 who proclaimed a national Thanksgiving Day be held each November. Ironically, he did this in the midst of the Civil War. But this gathering actually dates back to 1621 when the Plymouth settlers and Wampanoag Indians shared an autumn harvest feast.
While I have not changed my nationality, by affinity, I am very much connected to United States and I always make it a point to make my daughter understand her heritage. However, even if we are not Americans, I think there is much to learn about reminding ourselves to be full of gratitude and to reserve a day to make sure we express that.
Sometimes, more often than we want to, our routines are interrupted by complaints, meanness and even cruelty. And, sometimes, we respond in kind — we pay forward the negativity and infect others. For some, nastiness is justified with reclaiming power and overcoming oppression. We equate admiration with fear and we mistake acceptance with another person’s defeat. We should remember that we cannot demand respect, we earn it. Neither can we insist engagement, we have to prove we deserve the space. And we know we have made an impact and have created real value when we don’t need to resort to theatrics nor chant our numbers to be given the platform.
In the different countries where I have studied, worked and lived, I never made the conclusion that discourteous behavior is the means to get a point across. Instead, communicating while intertwining courage, kindness and common courtesy works. Being nice is not weakness.
In the same way, rudeness is not strength. Gratefulness and humility, to me, are one of the greatest gifts we could give. So, take the time, to embrace yourself with this appreciation for all the blessings and even for all the trials that you had the strength to overcome. Say and show, with a loving heart, thank you. Give ourselves wherever we are in the world and whatever stage we are in our own journeys.
So, take the time, to embrace yourself with this appreciation for all the blessings and even for all the trials that you had the strength to overcome. Say and show, with a loving heart, thank you.
Author’s email: [email protected]
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