Reflections of the Filipino: Cowardice and heroism
Part 1
Last September 30, a Chinese naval ship reportedly harassed a Liberian-flagged, Greek-owned oil tanker with an all-Filipino crew the Scarborough Shoal. The Chinese naval ship reportedly ordered the Filipino-manned vessel to change its course away from the Philippines’ Exclusive Economic Zone.
The Philippine ship captain resisted the 3 separate and threatening orders of the Chinese vessel, fully aware that he was not passing through legitimate Chinese “territory” contrary to that superpower’s claims. Captain Manolo Ebora, kept clarifying with the Chinese vessel why he should change course, “Am I in Chinese territory?”. He asked.
The Aura continued on its way without deviating from its course. Thankfully, the Chinese vessel did not take any further action, and the all-Filipino crew safely proceeded on its way to deliver its cargo of crude oil.
Our hats off to our countrymen, led by Captain Ebora, for the extraordinary bravery they displayed in standing up to the bullying tactics of the Chinese navy. Such heroic gestures exhibited by Filipinos in relation to our claims in the West Philippine Sea have been few and far between.
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Indeed, it seems our national leadership, in its reluctance to engage, much less challenge, China for what is rightfully ours has yielded to China’s bullying and lamely excused the timid surrender of our sovereignty over the Exclusive Economic Zone in the West Philippine Sea. The government, instead, tried to encourage the attitude of fear among our people by arguing in the most condescending and simplistic argument that in a dispute China would nuke the Philippines out of the map! This is how lowly some leaders underestimate the intelligence of our people!
In this latest Aura incident, Atty. Panelo, Presidential Spokesman (maybe we should call him “Spookman!), making the official pronouncement for Malacañang, said last Sunday. “Anyway, this is not a concern, since this is not a Philippine vessel. As long as they do not touch a Philippine ship or vessel, it will be the concern of that country that carries the flag of that particular vessel. ”
Paraphrasing the official statement for us to understand it better, “Filipinos are cowards. Our military is inferior, our arms and weapons are inferior, and that is why we should not risk war with a superpower or anyone else superior to us. We have to accept this truth. That is why we allow bullies to take advantage of us. Even at the expense of our national pride and patriotism!”
Parenthetically, Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution provides, ”The prime duty of the Government is to serve and protect the people. xxx” Notice, the Constitutional obligation is to protect the Filipino people. The obligation is not excused just because a Filipino happens to be on board a Liberian-flagged vessel.
Can we accept Malacañang’s official statement that the Aura incident which took place on Philippine waters involving Filipino citizens is of “no concern? “ Wow, fear really causes a paralysis of leadership. And the smell stinks!
Author’s email: [email protected]
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