The year, month, day and hour. Last Monday, May 13, 2013. The year, month, day and hour you went to vote. Here goes:
‘Wisdom is considered a sign of weakness by the powerful because a wise man can lead without power but only a powerful man can lead without wisdom.’ -Mark B. Cohen
‘(T)here is no such thing as power that is not answered for.’
‘Human power for which no one is answerable simply does not exist… This is true even when the person responsible rejects responsibility.’
‘In itself, power is neither good nor evil; its quality is determined by him who wields it.’
‘This power is as much a possibility for good as it is a threat of destruction and evil. The danger grows with the growth of power, a fact that is brought home to us today with brutal clarity. A more immediate danger threatens when power is at the disposal of a will that is morally misguided or morally uncommitted.’-Romano Guardini
‘(A) lie represents damage to being and, as was acknowledged in ancient Iran, constitutes a crime even worse than killing.’ -Julius Evola
‘(M)an’s greatest enemy has always been his very own government.’
‘Man’s greatest enemy was never poverty, ignorance, disease or war. In fact, it was usually man’s own government which actually created these other horrible conditions.’
‘(G)overnment… is, always was, and always will be: legalized force or power. (C)reating a government is similar to… placing a loaded gun in someone else’s hand, and giving him permission to hold that gun to your head to make you obey the laws he passes.’
‘Government is force made legal.’
‘George Washington understood this obvious principle, and warned us: Government is not reason. It is not eloquence. It is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant, and a fearful master.’
‘So America’s founders fully understood what history and their own experience proved: that all government is dangerous, at best a necessary evil, always to be watched closely, and never to be trusted.’
‘Where do rights come from? History taught that rights come from government. Pharoah… Emperor… King… Senate… Parliament.’
‘Get the picture? The government has always pointed a a gun at its citizens and, in essence, has said: Obey or else.’
‘(R)ights do not come from government. Rights come from God.’
‘So the proper role of government is to protect man’s God-given rights. Period.’ Jefferson: (G)overnment gets its ‘just powers from the consent of the governed… People grant legitimate rights to government.’–Uncommon Sense
Conspiracy theory is a confrontational paradigm. You cannot absorb a good conspiracy theory — which is always a dramatic narrative of injustice and malevolent power — without feeling the urge to do something about it. -Jonathan Vankin
‘The results of action are governed by laws that are not under our control. The expectation of result, which is natural, is is not a problem; the problem lies in our reaction to the results when they come.’ –The Song of the Lord (commentary)
‘It has taken us two million years to elevate politics from the level of a monkey squabble, to a level comprehensible to a six year old child.’
‘The problem: Nobody who wants political power should have it.’ -Peter J. Carroll