We are now in the final week to Christmas. This could be the busiest week for many, especially for those who are still thinking of what gifts to give their loved ones.
With more stores and online shopping available, we now have a lot of choices for gifts. But the sad reality is that after Christmas, we generate a lot of trash from the wrappers, boxes, and worse, non-biodegradable materials like plastic. And all these will end up in our dumpsite, which in fact, cannot accommodate any more trash.
We can celebrate Christmas and still make it a memorable one without generating the usual trash.
For instance, we can give home-baked foods without the plastic wrap, or fruit-bearing seedlings, or something that is reusable, like a hot-and-cold water bottle. Or we can give a pre-paid holiday trip to some place, or access to unique experiences like a climb up to Mt. Talinis or a scuba dive down at Apo Island; or some other opportunities to make those who cannot afford, happy this Christmas.
We remember with fondness a project that the MetroPost embarked on more than 10 Christmases ago: we asked from our loyal subscribers for used books, clothing, shoes, bags, and toys for some children who were attending reading classes by Dianne Pool. And we were simply stunned by the overwhelming generosity of our MetroPost readers, we had to do a convoy of four SUVs to help us transport the gifts to Siaton.
Of course, the best gift, they say, is the gift of your presence. Take time to be with the people who matter the most.
Make this a memorable Christmas. You’ll be glad you did.
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