Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! — ‘Gomer Pyle’, The Andy Griffith Show
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that this reclamation project has been conducted without prior permits.
What should be a surprise is that the previous administrations, including this one, have yet to address the sewage problem along the Boulevard: that’s the real problem. Try taking a walk at 5:30 p.m. when the restaurants along the Boulevard are just beginning to kick in, and compare the stench in the morning around 5 to 6 a.m. Whew, literally a breath of fresh air.
Pseudo-urban planners! Pseudo-environmentalists! Pseudo-journalists! Sore losers! — Dr. Efren Padilla
These aren’t words that a design professional uses to unite and move a community forward; they are divisive at best. As a design professional, it isn’t proper to criticize a community that you serve.
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Yes, as an architect servicing a community with design and planning skills can be quite trying at times, but being overtly critical doesn’t serve any purpose.
As a design professional, we all take the oath of service prior to receiving our license to practice; we are with our designs to serve and ensure the safety and health of society. Wear the hassles, criticisms, and the frustrations as badges of honor for a very honorable profession.
I know this may be overly-critical of the situation, but let me leave with these words: We live in a society comprised of inappropriate Third World management philosophies and associated techniques, while attempting to possess First World toys.
Let’s all start with that in mind, in attempting to solve our City’s problems.
Victor Vicente G. Sinco
President, Foundation University
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