Part-time teachers for the Senior High School of the Negros Oriental State University remain unpaid for the first semester of this school year prompting some of them to already look for other jobs.
This has left some of the students and classrooms without instructors.
SHS students at NORSU say they have no classes the past weeks because of the alleged non-payment or non-release of the salaries of their teachers.
SHS assigned principal Dr. Carlou Bernaldez, who is at the same time Physical Education director of NORSU said the problem is being ironed out with regular teachers of the state university being given additional loads to handle SHS classes while waiting for additional part-time teachers to apply.
At the same time, other part time teachers who have lesser loads are also reported to be willing to help.
He said, only four of the 39 part time teachers have left the school, but clarified they have asked permission to look for other jobs or to go back to Mindanao where they come from.
Bernaldez disclosed NORSU is waiting for the vouchers coming from the Department of Education amounting to more than P2 million representing payments for the 705 SHS students including the salaries of teachers which is about P600,000 for the first semester.
He added NORSU was able to follow the time line in the preparation of the documents and papers for submission to the Department of Education since August and was expecting the arrival of the first tranche of the vouchers in September or October this year because the teachers badly need the money for their daily subsistence.
For his part, DepEd-Negros Island Region regional director Gilbert Sadsad said schools availing of the SHS are to submit their billing statements to the regional program committee in Region 7 where it will be processed and sent back to him for endorsement.
The papers will be submitted to the Private Education Assistance Committee in the central office where it will be validated.
Dr. Sadsad said he cannot remember having signed the papers for the SHS in NORSU but is certain he already made endorsements for the teachers of the NORSU Bais City Campus.
However, Sadsad stressed he may have signed the endorsements already but could not remember. He further disclosed that during a meeting with private schools who have availed of the SHS in Bacolod City last Nov. 9, the feedback was they also have not received their first semester vouchers. He said the regional office has no more control of the payments but the DepEd central office.
According to Dr. Bernaldez, NORSU through the leadership of President Joel Limson is trying to remedy the situation by asking the Board of Regents if they can make use of the Special Trust Fund and to be reimbursed later.
Unfortunately, the BOR had refused due to rulings of the Commission on Audit that the same cannot be used to pay for the salaries of part time teachers.
“We don’t want to be charged with technical malversation of funds”, Dr. Bernaldez pointed out.
As a result, the SHS in NORSU will not be joining any of the cultural and sports activities for the forthcoming founders day of the university. Contributions for the cultural and sports activities are included in the voucher.
Bernaldez declared he will not require teachers and parents to contribute just to participate in the college or university week celebration in expressing sympathy to the unpaid teachers. (PNA)