Our condolence and prayers to the families of the slain policemen: Cpl. Relebert Beronio, Pat. Raffy Callao, Pat. Ruel Cabellon, and Pat. Marquino de Leon, intelligence personnel from the 704th Mobile Force Company Regional Mobile Force Battalion of the Philippine National Police in Central Visayas, who gave the ultimate sacrifice on July 18 in barangay Mabato, Ayungon.
As reported, the four fallen PNP elements were captured, tortured, and killed by the New People’s Army, now a serious threat in the mountains of Negros island.
President Duterte honored the fallen police officers as “unsung heroes” when he visited their wake, giving them honors, and promised that their families will receive the benefits due them, as they died in the line of duty.
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While these official actions may relieve the grief of their loved ones, there has to be public awareness as to the risks that every police officer has to face every time he/she reports for duty.
Law enforcement has been around ever since the ancient Romans had a theory that an organization of “peacekeepers” would reduce the crime and violence being committed.
“To protect and to serve” is the motto of the PNP, as the duty of a police officer is to maintain public order, preventing, and detecting crime.
All law enforcement officers are duty-bound to fulfill their mission and to implement the rule of law when they receive their respective assignments.
Recently, with rising crime rates coupled with the drug menace, the risk is inherent.
Every police operation, even a checkpoint, has the potential to turn violent, and it is not surprising that the policeman always looks back to his family and asks: “Will I return home alive and well when my day is over?”
Under the Duterte administration, police officers not only have reasonable pay with good benefits, aside from the special bond among fellow officers when they achieve their mission goals as a team.
Many are attracted to the role as protectors of the public, and to serve the community whenever they are in need of help or justice. They are here to enforce the “laws of the land” and to keep society safe from any harm.
In this day and age, it is recognized that peace-keeping or crime- prevention is a team effort, each citizen has the duty to report or assist in implementing the laws of the land.
While incidents involving “bad eggs” in the PNP have tainted their image, there are more out there who are doing their duty faithfully.
Some people see the police as corrupt or brutal — such a negative image that is being addressed through the internal cleansing program.
These recent incidents involving the shooting and killing of police officers is a direct assault on our democratic way of life, a threat to our peaceful communities.
Author’s email: [email protected]
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