On March 8, the whole celebrated International Women’s Day which commemorated the movement for women’s rights, started by the socialist movement and communist countries in Europe and Russia until it was adopted in 1975 by the UN.
The theme for International Women’s Day this year was Time is now: Rural and urban activists transforming women’s lives. Internationally, the color purple symbolizes the rights of women, justice, and dignity.
Each and every individual has a woman in his life, since whatever is one’s race, religion, politics, or economic status, each person originated from a woman’s womb. The celebration is a way of giving gratitude to each and every woman in one’s life, be it in the professional or the personal aspect.
In relation thereto, the Philippine Commission on Women issued a statement:
The journey of Filipino women towards attaining gender equality and empowerment has been moving forward over the years. Filipinas have emerged as strong, confident, and smart individuals who are able to assert their rights and places in society. We now also have male advocates who champion gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls.
The empowerment of women did not take place overnight. Human rights and civil society organizations, the private sector, academe, and key government agencies have been passionately devoting their time, talent, and resources for the advancement of women. After several decades, these efforts are paying off in terms of progressive women-related laws and policies.
We are thankful for the trailblazing work of the larger women’s movement for advancing women’s rights that we now enjoy. Yet, despite the gains, there appears to be a growing trend towards conservatism that seems to normalize misogyny and sexism worldwide.
The major strides that we have so far achieved are countered by the re-emergence of a culture that perpetuates biases, discrimination, and violence against women. Practices like victim-blaming, double standards, and the commodification of women’s bodies continue to prevail.
We cannot allow a culture of patriarchy and toxic masculinity to dictate our future, and set aside the gains of the women’s movement. Likewise, we cannot use women’s strength and resilience as an excuse not to care for and address their needs.
As we celebrate National Women’s Month, we continue to call on everyone to make change work for women. Let us work for a society where women and girls are empowered to claim their rights; and where men and boys treat them with dignity and respect.
We call on all government agencies at the national and local levels to move beyond mere compliance with the Gender and Development budget policy, and implement more substantive and meaningful programs, providing basic social services and economic opportunities of women.
Amidst the threats of climate change, human-induced conflicts, and the ill effects of globalization, safety nets for marginalized women should be made available and accessible. We need to increase women’s presence in key decision-making bodies of the government towards a 50-50 equity. Laws such as the Magna Carta for Women, the Responsible Parenthood, the Reproductive Health Act, and those that address violence against women should be implemented and monitored. Programs that address the persistent poverty of rural women should be strengthened. Efforts should be made to put a stop to gender-stereotyping, sexism in language, and the commodification of women’s bodies in mass media, entertainment, advertisements, teaching materials, and cyberspace.
Malasakit, pagbabago, at patuloy na pag-unlad necessitates ensuring that both women and men equally contribute to and benefit from development. Only through the active participation of women and girls contributing to change, and being included in development, can we move towards attaining AmBisyon Natin 2040 of being matatag, maginhawa, at may panatag na buhay.
Author’s email: [email protected]
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