Women and Children Protection Desk (WCPD) Police Officers across various cities and municipalities of Negros Oriental underwent a three-day Seminar-Workshop on Gender-Based Violence Laws, Case Build-up and Affidavit Drafting conducted by GWAVE (Gender Watch Against Violence and Exploitation) last September 18-20, 2019 at Cana Retreat Beach Resort, Amlan, Negros Oriental.
A number of policewomen handling Gender-based violence cases in their respective stations heeded the seminar. The activity aims to hone WCPD Police Officers to efficiently and effectively assist victims of Gender-based violence in their respective stations knowing the applicable provisions of law and interpretations of such.
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The said seminar-workshop tackled interesting topics necessary in aiding assistance to victims of violence as in raising awareness on Gender-Based Violence Laws, Case build-up and Inquest Proceedings, How to interview victims of Gender-Based Violence and Drafting Affidavits. Prominent Speakers who are expert on the subject matter were invited. Speakers present include Atty. Sheila Lynn Catacutan – Besario, Dean, College of Law, Silliman University and Dumaguete City Prosecutors Fiscal Lalaine Erames – Cimafranca, and Fiscal May Flor Duka.
Being a WCPD Police Officer entails a great challenge; a strong dedication to one’s job gives weight to the service itself. For Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) victims, these people are their heroes in a way or another. After all, putting a stop to all forms of violence is their main purpose. With the three-day seminar-workshop, it is aimed that by the time they go back to their stations, these officers are more equipped in delivering quality and sensitive services to women and girls. (Katheleen Celiz del Socorro)
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