So, you’ve won in the recent elections, whatever seat you were running for.
Now, it is time to show the people your worth. It’s time to shine, to do good on your promises.
But do you really want to do this job? Do you know how to do this job? Do you know how to make laws, and the things to consider in making laws for people?
So many politicians only think they can legislate but when given the chance, they really have no idea.
Then, they seek the advice of friends who are lawyers, mentors who’ve had the experience in the past, family, even Google–from each source, a different advice.
To clarify, some, not all, are incompetent, and their purpose in running for office was never really to make a difference but rather, to have a job that pays very well, compared to what they can find in the civilian world, based on their abilities alone.
Some may be lawyers, doctors, or engineers, but not all lawyers, doctors, or engineers get sought after, and those who don’t, remain mediocre. How much can they expect to make from their profession being mediocre at best?
Politics is where it’s at. Good income, a chance at some degeneracy for even more income, and if they spend enough, a chance at another term for additional income.
All that expense will surely be recouped, and even surpassed, just by having an elected position in government.
And then there’s the prestige in being an elected official, some more than others, but prestige, nevertheless.
Politics should be about THE PEOPLE, and what’s good for them.
Officials are elected by THE PEOPLE simply to become, you guessed it, the servants needed by THE PEOPLE to facilitate the return of some of that tax money so that THE PEOPLE can be provided for.
But what is happening is that the mandate of THE PEOPLE is not listened to.
The politicians device all kinds of ways to take away THE PEOPLE’S advantage, forgetting that it was THE PEOPLE who elected them.
I want to be clear that when I say ‘they’ in referring to politicians, I do not mean all of them. However, if I sound like I do, it is only because it is now utterly difficult to distinguish between the good and the bad.
You see, there are periods when they are all the same–in between elections.
Politicians, do us all a favor: be who you are, no matter the occasion, and get the things that THE PEOPLE want done, DONE!
Just telling it, the way it is.
Author’s email: [email protected]
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